The women’s model of our Alternative series. It inherits the outline, the camber system of the Hornet, and has been adjusted to provide a new riding experience to the female snow riders. While keeping a big nose and a strong taper, the width has been modified match the smaller boot size of the ladies. While it secures ample float in the powder, the Flair excels when flexing its supple tail carving on the groomer runs. The Flair is GENTEMSTICK’s antithesis to the industry’s common sense.

1446 mm
Running Length
950 mm
1026 mm
Nose Width
302 mm
Waist Width
244 mm
Tail Width
257 mm
Sidecut R.
8100/7000 mm
15 mm
22.5 mm
Sidecut Dep.
29 mm
4.0 mm
Stance Width
440-520 mm
Front Foot
Rec. Stance
480 mm
Rear Foot
(w/o tax ¥125,000)
The color, design, and specifications may differ from the actual product and are subject to change without notice.



The idea of traditional camber is to apply the same amount of pressure onto the entire edge of a board to attain smoother, more stable carving and turning.

The camber arches from the center of the board all the way to 3 cm inside of the widest point of a board, both the nose and the tail. To turn, this camber has to be stepped on and the bottom pressed against the surface. This type of camber is effective at a resort, compacted slope or on a flat face. But it has lots of demerit on deep powder, fresh snow, or terrains with three-dimensional features. It is arched against the direction of the board, and the board could get hooked on the snow easily, making the turn less agile.

The GENTEMSTICK’s radical Accel camber eliminates hooking and prevents nosedives in deep powder or fresh snow, while maintaining a natural floatation. It is designed and shaped to perform its best when the rider stands neutrally on top of a board. It is made flat from the widest point of the nose side to about the front foot. The arch begins there and reaches the highest around the back foot, and it ends at the widest point of the tail side. When a rider stands on the board, the arch gets pushed and the area ahead of the front foot barely touches the snow.

This is the position that maximizes the performance of the board, and also the same position that reaches maximum velocity in ski races and other speed competitions. Accel camber has an arch from point A to point B. The board becomes flat as the back foot pressures the board. It rises slightly from the point C to the nose, which effectively reduces snow resistance. There are boards with similar camber designs released from major manufacturers these days. It is important to remember that the nose rocker design becomes very important with this kind of camber system, which has the peak of its arch placed further behind the center of a board. The GENTEMSTICK Accel camber boards are distinctly designed, especially from the point where the camber ends to the widest point of the nose. The key is to reduce resistance.


おぴぴたます/日本/148cm /40kg /23cm
昨年、GENTEMSTICK FLAIRを購入しました。初めて購入するパウダーボードでしたので贅沢かなと思いつつも、まわりのライダーからも強く勧められ、思い切って選んだ結果最高でした。身長が低い女性でも小回りがきくため扱いやすく、安定感もあるため細かいツリーランもなんなく滑ることができます。また、FLAIRの抜群の浮力のおかげで本当のパウダーの気持ち良さを知ることができました!GENTEMSTICKの1本目として選んで正解だったと思います。

ayumi/日本/156cm /57kg /24.5cm
Trinity、TT165 WFに続いて購入した3本目のgentemstick。主に八甲田山で使用しています。八甲田山のような、重みがあって深すぎる雪を体力の消耗を最小限にして滑るにはうってつけの1本。バックカントリーでは膝まで潜る深い雪のなかを歩き、吹雪でカチカチに凍った山頂部を滑降し、なだらかすぎる林をスピードコントロールしながらどうにか滑って下山する。特に疲れた下山時のツリーランではフレアの扱いやすさに救われることが多々。また雪深すぎる中間斜面の3D地形も、フレアなら意識せず気軽に滑れます。ただし岩木山や立山など、デカすぎる斜面で大きなターンを描くのはちょっと不得意。板が暴れて減速を余儀なくされます(笑)。まだまだ私の修行が足りないようです。